Propiedad intelectual
The images, icons, infographics, videos, texts, articles, documents, design, programming, content, structure, etc. of this website is created by Idearium® except for some icons that are property of Flaticon, 8icons and Font Awesome.
All images and content on the website and blog created by Idearium® are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License.
This implies that you cannot use all or part of our website, its content, information, design, images, structure, programming, etc. for commercial purposes.
If you want to reproduce or copy part of our website, you must include a mention of Idearium® as the owner of the work (text, images, design, content, structure, etc.) and a link to our website.
You can copy, download or print part of our website as long as you are only going to use it for personal use.
All brands reproduced on our website: customer brands, brand logos, etc. are the intellectual property of their rightful owner.
In the case of using content made by third parties, we will always indicate its legitimate origin and/or its authorship, being the intellectual property of its legitimate owner.
Protección de datos
At Idearium® we are legal people and in addition to respecting the law, we respect you because we highly value the trust you place in us.
For this reason, we join the Data Protection Law LOPD and RGPD 2018 and we promise to respect the privacy of the personal information of any user of our website or client of our company.
Do not doubt that all the data you provide us will be treated in strict confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.
Idearium & tu
We respect you, and we want to have a long-term relationship with you, so don’t worry! We don’t like spam, so we will only contact you when necessary.
For this reason, we will only use the data that you provide us (both you, our clients and any of the web users) in order to get to know you better and thus be able to give you more personalized information, to process the request that you have requested and maintain contact but without purely advertising purposes.
That is, if you ask us for a budget, for example, we will contact you to ask for more information and thus be able to prepare the budget adjusted to your needs. We will also contact you to send it to you, to ask your opinion about it or about our service, to follow up on your request and/or to announce any news related to your request. But we will never use your data to send you advertising that has nothing to do with your request.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will only receive a summary of our latest articles once a month, as well as information about the news of our company and specific and specific promotions (if there are any), which may be 2 shipments at very exceptional times.
And if you do not want to continue receiving our newsletters you can unsubscribe from the newsletter itself or by writing to hola@idearium30.com. In either case, we will remove your data from our database.
We like that you trust us. For this reason, we highly value that trust and we guarantee that your data is safe with us. Therefore, under no circumstances will we share any of the information you provide us with third parties.
In any case, if you have any questions or want to know what information we have about you, do not hesitate to write us an email at hola@idearium30.com or send us a letter to:
- Idearium 3.0 SL
- Ronda Zamenhof 145, 4-1
- 08201, Sabadell, Barcelona. España.